A menstrual blood storm is forecast. In a Cape Town you know and don’t know, mermaids’ tails are fileted and sold for up to four thousand rand a kilogram. This story is about a Malnaai, a Tief, a Sturvy Kindt, a Grootman, a Genuine Ou, and a mysterious figure known as M16inyourbek. One non-binary Bang Gat born in Nike Jordans is instructed by three very dangerous men to find the corpse of a Tamagotchi. The Tamagotchi was last seen was in the clutches of eight-year-old Kaylin Arendse, when she, her father, and mother were murdered. The Tamagotchi’s serial number holds to the code to Ma’s safe, a safe that has been locked to her for over twenty years. Ma, a churchgoing woman is the head of the crime dynasty, ruling a network of millions in stolen guns, drugs, and the trade of the highly coveted mermaid filet. But Cape Town’s top cops and prosecutors are after her, and she needs access to that safe, or she’ll lose everything. The Bang gat eventually tracks the Tamagotchi down to a tow-truck driver who was on the scene twenty years ago, but not before the Malnaai decays in alcoholism, the Grootman commits suicide, the Sturvy kindt is sexually assaulted and we learn of the Tief’s childhood abuse. Upon receiving the tamagotchi, Ma unlocks her fortune just before a police raid. She puts petrol in the water pipes of a courthouse and burns it to the ground, covering her tracks. It’s about lovebites that cover us in red when we need healing. It’s about the fillet we crave when we’re dying to transcend a class. It’s about the depression that seals our legs together. There’s a Goddess who casts menstrual blood storms to rain down on abusers. There’s a silence that can splice your bek closed. And a gangster who shoots the sun dead.